Cornerstone community partners program
We invite you to join the Cornerstone Community Partners Program which includes full-year exposure to our
robust network of 20,000+ volunteers, benefactors, distribution partners, and friends.
All partners receive digital and print recognition which varies by level of support.
Make an Impact…Join Today!
Partners provide a foundation of support for the Farm’s hunger-relief efforts which are
powered by an army of volunteers strengthening our community along the way.
2024 Cornerstone Partners
Thank you to the following organizations for their support of this program.
Legacy Partners
Mission Partners
Harvest Partners
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Dave & Oachia Lanphar
Ellin & Tucker | Aileen and Chad Eskildsen
First Financial Federal Credit Union
Kelly Benefits
Manekin Construction
Natural Concerns (Arbor Dog Foundation)
Hope Partners
The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation
The Campaigne Family
Fuchs North America
Harford Mutual Insurance Group
RELI Group
Partnership Levels
Legacy Partner
Full-year recognition on the Farm’s website, social media, and in newsletter (6 issues/yr)
Headline the Cornerstone Partner web page
Name/logo included in the Volunteer Pavilion slide show
Listed in annual Impact Report
Customized Volunteer Experience
Mission Partner $25,000
Full-year recognition on the Farm’s website, social media, and in newsletter (6 issues/yr)
Name/logo included in the Volunteer Pavilion slide show
Listed in annual Impact Report
Customized Volunteer Experience
Harvest Partner $10,000
Full-year recognition on the Farm’s website and in newsletter (6 issues/yr)
Name included in the Volunteer Pavilion slide show
Listed in annual Impact Report
Hope Partner $5,000
Full-year recognition on the Farm’s website
Name included in the Volunteer Pavilion slide show
Listed in annual Impact Report
As a Cornerstone Partner, your support of this program impacts all aspects of the Farm's mission:
Healthy Food Ministry & Distribution Partner Network t Volunteer Service t Student Experiences t Community Engagement
And More!
Download a brochure about the Cornerstone Community Partners program here!
Invest with Confidence